
"No ones finger fits as comfortably in your nose as your own”

Oh yes folks, our boys have found out that their finger fits up their nose!  Ha!  I couldn't resist a moment to maybe make a few of you chuckle at the expense of our dear Asher.

MIA-Missing In Action is my phrase for the past two months.  I don't know why the last 1.5 months seems to have swallowed us up, but I can't seem to keep up.  Lets see, where do I begin?

The boys are now the ripe old age of 15 months.  They went to their check-up and the Dr. was still very impressed with their health and developmental stages each one is at.  All the boys are walking, but Ash and Ry are testing the waters.  About a week ago they just took to it and now they will only walk when they want.  Sounds quite familiar to their brother Sky.

Asher no longer has his helmet.  Yippee!  We were hoping it would be off before the heat/humidity hit.  He has experienced the feeling of bumps, scrapes and bruises; something he wasn't familiar with since he has had the helmet since before he was crawling.  I don't know if it is our boys or boys in general, but I am not sure I have seen our kids without a bruise on their head since they started standing!  Sky took a digger last weekend.  We were all outside with our neighbors and Sky demanded he walk around on the pavement so we let him and what happened?  Yup, he took a face plant on the street.  He had a big bruise on  his forehead and about 5 little scrapes on his little, cute nose.  He was a trooper though!

The boys continue to grow and change daily.  They are at a great age.  They are constantly learning how to do things and it sometimes amazes me what they can figure out.  All 3 are so very different still.  Asher is the methodical one.  He sizes it up, calculates it in his head and then goes for it.  Sky just does it and it seems to just work for him.  Ryder, well he has no patience and if he doesn't quite get it the first time, I can promise you will hear he scream.  I think we are learning that we have to show him one on one and then he has it. 

The boys have a few words that they say.  Let me think...Sky says bye (with a southern accent might I add), momma, dada, do-do, stop, he barks when Bella barks and other than that we have a lot of Uh and AHHHHH!!!!

Asher has acquired his own language.  He is a talker!  He will sit with a book and read it.  Sometimes you can make out a word, but for the most part its all his own.  He says momma, dada, Jason, doing, and the rest are probably words, but we can't make them out. 

Ryder's vocabulary is minimal, but he says, momma, dada, Ry-Ry, Enna (for Jenna), Doah! (quite like Homer Simpson if any of you know what I am talking about) and again lots of high-pitch, fun loving...screaming.  I can't forget what he is best at though...he loves to laugh!

We have had a nice summer, but way too hot for so early in the year.  The boys get out 2 or 3 times a day, but if there isn't a splash table involved or a pool it is really hard to keep them outside.  They absolutely love the water and they had their 1st swimming experience when Uncle Mikey came to visit.  A friend of ours lives in an apartment complex with a really nice pool.  The boys did great. Sky is the water dog though.  Since their experience at the pool they now have the desire to plunk their faces under water and freak me out!

We had some visitors the past month.  Uncle Mikey and his girlfriend Jane came to visit over Memorial Day weekend.  It was really great to have the boys around family and for Mike to see how much they have grown.  We kept everyone very busy.  We took them downtown Knox and had lunch on the river one day, then took them to Indian Boundry for picnic on the lake and Sky had his first "in the lake" experience and loved it.  We also went to the pool one day and had a cook out with friends and neighbors.  We were all exhausted, but its so nice to have the extra helping hands.

Shortly after their visit came Grandma CiCi and Grandpa Biggie.  I have to apologize because this blog will not include pics of their visit.  Grandma CiCi has all the pics on her camera.  Next blog I will provide pics.  We had a great time as well.  We took the boys to the aquarium for the 1st time and they absolutely loved the fish!  It was really fun to see them get excited.  The boys really, really enjoyed their time with their grandparents and it took them a few days to get use to them not being around.

During the grandparents visit a few other things were going on.  Some of you may know of Big Mike's secretary, Mary.  Mary's son, Jason has Cystic Fibrosis and has been very ill for the last several years.  Recently, they got the call that they had healthy lungs and liver organs for Jason.  It gave all of us chills to hear this and to date he is recovering and we all have Jason and his family in our thoughts. 

In addition to family being here and Jason's excellent news, my sister, Carrie had her celebration of life the 1st weekend in June.  Carrie did not have a ceremony after she passed in February because Jay felt that she would want something different.  All her close neighbors, friends and family put together a cookout in Carrie's honor.  The celebration was in Wisconsin and we were unable to go.  I had a hard time with this decision, but having triplets it tends to make things a little more difficult.  I really can't believe she has been gone now for 4 mos.  It took me a long time to not cry every night over the thought I would never speak to my sister again.  It took me a long time to remember Carrie's face after seeing her in the state she was in.  Now, I have days here and there.  I still can't believe it.  I miss her voice so much.  

As you can see, a lot has been going on.  Jason and I are doing good too. Jason has been fishing a few times and just this week had one of the best days on the water, I believe he said "it was raining 4lbers", he was like a little boy!    

I am keeping busy at home and with my business.  I have had to make a few changes to what I was doing so it set me back a bit, but I hit the marketing hard and I think it is starting to pay off.  I really enjoy it and I hope that it works out for me and for us.  I also continue to go to zumba twice a week.  I LOVE IT! 

Once again a novel!  I am not cut out for this!  That is pretty much it for the news in our world.  I hope that you all haven't just scanned thru to the pics!! 

Thanks for checking in and yes...here are your pictures...

Asher--Helmet Graduation.  His Dr. gave him the bear.


Sky and Daddy at Indian Boundary

Uncle Mikey, Jane and Ryder--under the hat

Picnic at Indian Boundary

Mommy trying to teach Ash and Ry how to skip rocks--or--eat them

Da' Boys!

First pool experience

Uncle Mikey and Skyler

Mommy and Asher

My Favorite--Ash and Uncle Mikey    
Asher, reading You Are My Sunshine

Grandma CiCi teaching the boys how to use the iPad

Asher, gambling

Morning cartoon

Skyler found an extra seat (poor Bella)

Asher and Daddy having fun


Mommy and Asher

Mommy and Ryder

Reading time with dad
Mommy and Skyler

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