
16 Months & Here They Are...

Hellllooo!  We are rockin' and rollin' these days.  We all have been quite busy with everyday life.  The boys continue to change and amaze us.  They are doing great with their swim lessons, it is so much fun to enjoy the summer sun in the pool with them.

The boys are all walking and beginning to run.  They are growing like weeds and learning as if they were all Einstein.  Brilliant kids...I'm serious.  A parents opinion I guess...

They still love to dance and have acquired some great moves.  I believe there is one picture where Ryder is showing you his "sprinkler move".  Compliments of Daddy's dance moves I guess. Ha!

Asher continues to read his books and talks up a storm, but still in his own language.  He did start singing "You Are My Sunshine" with us and now will do ABC's with us and will count to 3. 

Recently, I bought a training potty for the fun of it and we have been practicing "pee, pee in the potty".  I know they are only almost 17 months, but why now?!  We have put a routine in place during bath time and so far Asher and Ryder and used the potty.  Now, I don't think they really knew it was happening, but they did get the idea that something came out of you know what and ended up in the potty.  Mommy did the pee-pee dance and excitement filled the room! 

Life is becoming a little bit easier, but man it is still hard with 3.  We are still very limited with stuff that Jason and I can do with them, but we are learning what we can handle and branching out on that.  In fact, in a few weekends we are planning to take the boys to their first music festival near the mountains.  The bluegrass festival is on a field so it is just perfect for the boys to run around. 

Jason is doing well.  He is in PT to strengthen the on going knee issues he has had with hopes he can start to regain the strength and get back to working out.  He recently took on killing the front and back lawn to grow a different type of grass so that the boys have the best lawn in town to play on.  It has been an undertaking, but I think it might be paying off.  Jason has also been working hard to help me with my business as far as accounting and IT goes.  He might become my 1st employee!  Jason hasn't been fishing much as the weather has just been too hot, but in just a few short weeks he will be of to Canada for a week of fishing, fishing, fishing!

I am doing well too.  I am very busy with my business right now.  It has been so up and down, but the dedication will soon pay off...I hope!  I am still doing Zumba twice a week and started bootcamp workouts on Saturdays.  I am right now entertaining the idea of doing Knoxville's Marine Mud Run.  It is a 3 mile run with obstacle courses, a jaunt thru a mud pit and then thru a river.  My only fear is being with people that are too competitive.  I am really wanting to do this for the experience.  If I decide to do this, it takes place on September 10th.  I will let you know!

Jason and I together don't get to do too much, but we are trying.  We had a babysitter a few weeks ago and went out for dinner.  Hopefully once it starts to cool down we can get out and do a hike together or see some music.  We are working on that.

I guess that's all to report!  I will leave you with some pics of the boys.  Enjoy!

Summertime Fun!
Sky's 1st frozen yogurt ice cream cone!


Doesn't Sky look like such a big boy?  :(

Ryder blowing a kiss

Mommy and Sky

The Boys

Asher being silly



"The Sprinkler"!

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Oh poo!  I lost a piece of my popsicle

Open Gym

Ash at open gym looking in the mirror

1 comment:

  1. The boys are so cute.and really growing. Glad you all are doing well!
