
Tooth fairy, my boys have up'd their prices!

Tooth Fairy, Oh Tooth Fairy why can't you bring us no pain?  Yes, the definition of a tooth fairy is..."A fairy that is said to leave money at night under a child's pillow to compensate for a baby tooth falling out."  I now understand why there is such a thing!  All three of our precious little boys are teething, 3 teeth at once or something of that nature.  My gosh, the last three days have been, well lets just say...pressing on the ears.  The poor little guys deserve more than the going rate when they loose their first tooth! (please remember this Ms. tooth fairy or is it Mr. tooth fairy?)  My dad used to sing to me "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, so I could wish you a Merry Christmas!" I sing that to my boys, but really it is mainly for our sanity!! ha ha!

All kidding aside, Jason and I just got done with one tough evening so this is all so fresh in my mind.  The boys now have their bottom teeth and getting their top.   It is absolutely adorable to see those little teeth! 

Let's see, where do I begin?  It's been busy, but I am starting to just now realize that it will be like this for years to come.  The boys are changing by leaps and bounds.  They will be 9 mos on the 4th of December.  I still can't  believe it.

We are keeping up with our food making.  Sundays tend to be our "roll em up, steam em, and puree em" days.  Our freezer is packed with yummies for a good few weeks.  Skyler will eat anything, Ryder isn't the biggest eater and Asher will eat veggies with fruit mixed in otherwise he gags it all up, but he does love his squash and sweet potatoes!

I believe on the last blog we had a "mama" from Ryder.  Now, we have a "dada" from Skyler, but he only says it when he is frustrated! ha!! Asher, well nothing yet but he LOVES his mamas kisses!!

We have recently ventured to cloth diapers.  Asher is our starter baby.  I wanted to do this from the very beginning, but felt intimated by x3.  So far it is going ok.  Save some bucks and save our environment!

The boys were invited to their first birthday party; our neighbor girl, Kaiya had her 9th birthday and invited us all over.  The picture below is of the boys on their first trampoline ride...and their last because they scare the crap out of me!

They look so bald, but they do have some hair!

This was the first year that Grandpa and Grandma Meade weren't in Tn for Thanksgiving.  We were graciously invited over to our friends home for Turkey day and enjoyed it immensely.   Thank you Kristie, Jerry and Ashley!  (pictures to come soon)

Last weekend some friends of ours and the 5 of us went to the first Christmas celebration in Knoxville.  We took the boys all bundled up and past their bedtime to see the lighting of the tree, listen to some music and then out to dinner.  We knew we were pushing it, but we took them off their schedule to have some fun.  It was WONDERFUL!

They are in there, they really are.  It was very cold outside!

Jason, Kenzie, Kaiya and Ryder watching dancers

Loading them in!

We are really excited about this years Christmas.  For years Jason and I talked and imagined what it would be like with a family and now we have it, a big one!  We started decorating this weekend and yes, I have the Christmas fever.  I know the boys won't remember this year, but we will.  We have the best tree ever and family coming in town just a day or so after xmas to celebrate the holiday.  I have toys for the boys just sitting in a room waiting to be played with...if any of you know me this is very hard; I can't ever by presents too early because I get so excited to give them.

Anyway, we are wishing you all a very happy holiday season.  I am missing my family very much and all of my good friends.  I love you all!

I have some more pics to add, but wanted to give a quick update on my sister, Carrie.  She had her transplant and has had an up and down week, but as of today things look to be turning for the better!  I am constantly calling my mom (she is out in Wisco with Carrie) to see how Carrie's days are going and I am relieved to know she is eating and walking around a bit better today.  We are all thinking of you Sis and wish we were there to give you lots of hugs n' kisses!

Yup, here they are..."The Big Boys"





"My futures so bright, I gotta wear shades" or I am just one cool dude
Ryder:  Oh please, oh please let these be the keys to the Lexus
Ryder: no luck, just some plastic keys I drool all over

"Momma!  I got me some teeth!"

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